Today we arrived in London at 6:30 am, London time. The breakfast on the plane was disgusting. My first impression of England was absolutely beautiful. We met Kevin Bonavia, our delegation manager and ou

r first stop was
Runnymede (although when Kevin said it, I thought he said "runny meat" which really grossed me out), where the Magna Carta was signed. There was a memorial to JFK there. After Runnymede, we went to Windsor Castle and Eton, the school that Princes William and Harry go. Today was Prince William's last day... too bad we didn't get to see him. We got to see the Changing of the Guards, which was really cool. We went to a restaurant named "Garders" and it was horrible, it really didn't help our preconceived notion that British food isn't tasty. They gave us a

watered down version of red pop. Ew. We got back on the coach and rode for about an hour and a half. I promptly fell asleep. We arrived at Bankside House, a dormitory in London, for the London School of Economics. It was a really cool room & I shared with Jenny and Amanda. Bankside is adjacent to Tate Modern, which is a modern art museum. It used to be the Bankside Power Station. It was a really cool art museum and the

entrance was amazing. After Tate, we went on a historical tour of London. We saw the old location of the Globe Theater, before it burned down.