Kia Ora! Day 14
Throw some money in my hat... Day 13
Schoolin'... Day 12
Class # 2 was Anatomy & Physiology of Speech and Hearing Mechanisms. It was quite boring, we started off by going over the anatomy of the human body... which isn't really pertinent if you're studying the head.
Now I don't have class again until Wednesday morning, although I'm probably going to hit up New Brighton beach tomorrow morning with Kate. Sweet as.
Intermission... Night 11
So classes start this morning (it's Monday here...). I have Acoustics and Phonetics from 11-12, then Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Hearing Mechanisms from 3-4. Woot.
One Hangi, two Hangi, red Hangi, blue Hangi... Day 11
So today we had another Hangi (Maori BBQ... the food is cooked

Oh & a quick thank you to my faithful readers that comment, I LOVE YOU... comments are like the Christmas presents you get to open early. So thank you to Cat and Mutha and Dana for all your lovely comments. If you're reading this and don't comment... doooo itttttt :) OH and wish me luck on my first day of school tomorrow!!!!! I'm so excited.
Suddenly I see... Day 10
I'll use this time to post things I've noticed.
~When you're checking the calorie content of foods, you won't find the word 'calories' anywhere. It will have a listing called 'energy' and the amount of energy will be listed in kj(kilojoules) 1 calorie is approximately 4 kj. Tricky at first, but it's pretty easy.
~I like you're standing on the bus & it goes over a judderbar (read: speed bump), you feel quite a bit like you're going to throw up... but in a good way.
~New Zealanders don't believe in window screens... there's usually a fly or two chillin' in my room... but more excitingly, there were two birds in our kitchen today when Hiren & I walked in. It was slightly awkward.
~Our campus has it's own bar... priceless.
~It's really hard to understand a Kiwi when they're mumbling.
~I'm pretty much going vegetarian for my stay here, as meat is soooo expensive. Hello tofu.
~It's socially acceptable not to wear shoes... anywhere. While I personally don't subscribe to this, I've seen people on the bus, in the grocery store and walking around town, not wearing any sort of shoe at all.
~Thrifting is amazing.
~Paper and plastic products are so expensive... I had to get a packet of loose leaf paper for classes & it cost me $4NZ ($3-ish US) for 250 sheets and $6($4.50) for a crappy binder to put it in.
~Everything made/grown locally is awesome and pretty cheap, including produce.
~I can't watch Grey's Anatomy on the ABC website because I'm not in the US. And they know I'm not... which is creepy.
~American music is everywhere.
~Kiwis spell the word 'curb' different... here it's a 'kerb'
Alright, enough for today.
Here it goes again... Day 9
Ch-ch-ch-changes... Day 9

Can I have ten sheep... all to myself?... Day 8
I went home and talked online for a bit, then I made my supper... or tea, which also means evening meal. I've been drinking a lot of tea here. Yummy. Anyways, I made pasta & I put fresh mushrooms and some chicken that I'm trying to use up, in the sauce. Turned out really good. I also bought some couscous yesterday, it's really good, I was surprised. Not too lead you on by thinking I made couscous out of the blue, Adam made some & let me try it... thus leading me to purchase a box of my own. Adam is a really good cook, by the way. He's a veggie so he gets really creative with his food.
Last night, Hiron's friends came over and it turned into a shit show. That's about the time I went to bed and locked my door. I don't need a drunk guy coming into my room, that's for sure... Apparently one of them fell off the balcony... lucky its only the second floor...
Quicksand... Day 7
Anyways, today I went into the city for a little bit, talked to Jason & Becky online @ a cafe, then I went down to Sumner Beach, about 1/2 hour outside of the city. I'm going to have to go back with my camera, it is gorgeous. The water was kinda nice, but the rocks and stuff were amazing. There was this huge cave right in the middle of the beach, that you could explore during low tide. It was super sweet. I might go back tomorrow on a picture taking expedition. There's a quicksand warning there... which kinda freaked me out, so I stayed away from that area like whoa.
Anyways, in the enrolment, I got all of the classes I wanted, so I'm good to go! Woot. I think I'm going to catch up on Grey's Anatomy from last week :). Awesome.
Hmmm... Day 6
The American Stereotype... Day 5
We definitely got on a bad bus, we should have known when the bus driver went nuts at some people, but the geniuses we are, we stayed on. Big mistake. The beginning of the bus ride was fairly uneventful, one guy pretended to be deaf so the bus driver would stop yelling at him. Granted, I knew there were other Americans on the bus, I didn’t know that I would be pretending to be Canadian in only a few moments time. We were at a university stop and the bus driver closed the doors. Well, the other people that were on the bus decided it was time to fulfill an American stereotype. Loud and rude. This big girl and her friend realized that they needed to get off at that stop, just as the doors were closing, then the girl yells, at the top of her lungs ‘WAIT!’ then proceeds to tell her friend, very loudly, that this is their stop. The bus driver said something about not paying attention, which totally set this girl off. She yelled something like “WELL I DON’T KNOW, I’M FROM THE STATES!” She proceeded to yell obscenities at the bus driver as she disembarked. I promptly told the guy next to me, ‘I swear I’m Canadian.” The people on the bus were completely awestruck. Someone actually asked if she was being serious.
Anyways, we walked about 15 minutes to the supermarket called Countdown, and picked up a few grocery items. In addition to groceries, I bought a reusable grocery bag for NZ$.99, since it’s not only eco-friendly, but it’s also easier to carry and way more durable than a plastic bag. And I kinda feel like I’m doing something good for the world. It’s because I’m amazing.
I learned something really weird today. If you are dating someone and you live together for a year, you are legally in a marriage, so if you break up, you are entitled to half of everything, even if you have more. Lame. Also, they have maps that are Southern Hemisphere on top, as well as ones that are centered on the Pacific Ocean, instead of the Atlantic Ocean. I’d be sweet to get my hands on one of those.
So right now, I’m battling a cold that I think I got on an airplane, it’s trying its hardest to knock me out, but I’m fighting it tooth and nail, and I’m drinking tea like it’s going out of style. One more thing… I found the coolest crackers, they’re kinda like saltines, with perforated edges and all, but they are four saltines together in one cracker, they are about three inches square. Simple things make me happy. I think I’m going to get up lazily tomorrow and head downtown. Now I’m going to sleep.
New Home? Nah... Day 4
Today we got up pretty early to get packed up to fly out to another guy from my group though, which was cool. Our flight was a little delayed and unfortunately for the group, our flight was the last to come in, so they had to wait for us. Haha. We got on a questionable bus, then drove over to
Anyways, I went to the grocery store to pick up some essentials, then I came back and made toast and yoghurt for dinner. I promise that I know how to spell yogurt, I figure I should start spelling things like they do, otherwise I won’t fit in… They spell everything like the British, then they have some of their own spellings. After dinner, I unpacked everything that I brought, then I realized I really brought nothing. I’m going to need to go shopping eventually… but everything is neat and organized.
Caving made my body snap... or Day 3
Here's the top side of the cave... it's called Haggas Honking Holes:
The first thing we did was abseil/rappel 70 feet down into this cave. That was totally awesome. Then we trekked some more, which was okay, but the wetsuits really restrict your movement, way more than I expected. The next thing we had to abseil down was this waterfall, which was amazing. After that, you had to get down on your hands and knees and climb under this ledge by the fall, to a tunnel that took you to the next abseil. I think we did one or two more abseils, then started our assent. It was pretty easy at first, we had to scale a 25-foot wall, while harnessed, but that was the easy part, because it wasn’t too wet. And then my asthma decided to come out full force. It was great, I couldn’t breathe and I was trying to rock climb on wet and slippery rocks. Eventually we got out and got to take showers. Shower = nice. The worst part of the day was definitely realizing how beat up my extremities are. I’ve got bruises all over my arms and legs, and my hands resemble ground beef. It was definitely worth it. The bus ride back to the hostel was uneventful, I fell asleep a few times and I was rubbernecking like it was my job. We got back to the hostel around 6:30pm and I got to the shower as fast as possible. Which meant doom. My hands were completely on fire from all the cuts and such. Dinner was an hour later and now I’m trying to stave off sleep, but I’m failing.
Now I know what my clothes feel like... Day 2

Sweet. After that, we had quite a bit of free time; I used it to call Mom, Dad, Cat & Coop. Around 7, we got on a bus to go to the traditional Maori feast. It was such an experience. While on the bus, we had to pick a chief, then said chief had to go do the hangi with the bus driver, which is the greeting of Maori’s. You gently touch noses twice. This guy kinda screwed it up. He started off good, then he looked like he was leaning in for a nice smooch. Needless to say, the bus cracked up. He immediately fixed his posture. The village had a lot of interesting things to do, then we had our supper. It was delicious. That’s about it for the day, I’m off to sleep now.
Totally Skipped Valentines Day
Yesterday was quite possibly the longest day of my life. Actually, I don’t even think it counts as yesterday. My day started at 6:00 am, Eastern Time. I got up, had a shower and mom and I left around 7:30 am, since there was a major snowstorm rolling in. We stopped and had breakfast, then continued on to the airport. We went through customs and all that stuff and the airline lady gave mom a boarding pass so she could wait with me for my flight. We just kinda hung out and looked at pictures on my computer. When my gate finally got called at 11:35, we both kinda lost it. But then I regained composure to get on the plane.
The flight to Dallas/Fortworth was long and boring. I was sitting next to a man from Wichita, Kansas. Exciting. I arrived @ DFT at about 1:30 Central Time, so that’s one hour gained. Total hours awake so far: 8.5. Then I had an hour and a half layover. I love that airport, it was so big, they said it was the size of Manhattan. It’s so pretty. My flight to Los Angeles left at 3:15pm Central Time. I got to LAX at 4:00pm Pacific Time. Total hours awake thus far: 13. Then I had a five-hour layover. Running total? 18 hours. During the layover, I met a whole bunch of people going the same place that I was. I met one girl, who looked like upper class white trash… figure that out. Anyways, she looks uncannily like Matt Lucas. Which is quite unfortunate for her… and funny for me.
Anyways, I boarded the plane with the rest of the group and I couldn’t believe how amazing it was. The plane was an Air New Zealand 747-400. Effing huge. And each of the seats had it’s own television. And a whole bunch of movies, tv shows, documentaries and music, on demand. We had dinner, which was kinda shady, but only because of the chicken. I still ate it like a ravenous animal. I tried to watch three different films, The Queen, Babel and Mary Antoinette, but I kept passing out for small parts of the movies. We arrived in Auckland, NZ @ about 6:30am New Zealand Time, which is –12 Greenwich Standard and 18 hours behind home. Running time awake? 30.5 hours. We had to go through customs and all that; we finally got through and to the AustraLearn people at about 7:30am. I immediately bought a huge bottle of water and downed it, the plane made me super dehydrated. We left about an hour later, but we were all zonked. We rode on a bus for the next three hours, with a few stops for food and the toilet. Here’s one place we went to, to use the toilets: Yes, I peed in a giant dog. I know, it’s kind of exciting.
We arrived in Rotorua around 1:30 pm and got settled into the KiwiPaca hostel. Sweet as. ß We learned some new words. That’s pretty much saying ‘awesome’ or ‘it’s all good’, they say it all the time. Ready for a lesson in Kiwi English? Dairy = small grocery store, chuddy = gum, dodgy = shady, fanny = vagina… That one is kinda weird, since we were playing a version of bingo to match the Kiwi word to the American word. All the sudden, Tommo, the guy on our bus, is saying ‘The Kiwi version of chewing gum is…? The Kiwi word for female genitalia?’ It was slightly awkward. But whatev.
Total time awake thus far? 37.5 hours. A little while later, they provided a buffet style sandwich bar, which was amazing, as we were seriously famished. A while later, we went to the school across the street to get some super important (read: boring) information about NZ. I tried really hard to stay awake, but it was rough. At about 4:30, we went on a little tour of Rotorua, I wish I had brought my camera, as we went to Lake Roturua, and it was absolutely gorgeous. We drove through town a little bit more, then came back to the hostel. Dinner was pretty delicious and it was all homemade food. After dinner, I went for a walk with a few people to the park behind the hostel, which is a geothermal area. It was really cool, as we saw a whole bunch of little springs. I don’t really remember a whole lot else, as I was awake a grand total of 45.5 hours. I slept very well. Probably because we crossed the international date line and I had absolutely no Valentines Day what so ever.