Last night, my final roommate came and he's the biggest sweet heart. His name is Manosh and he's from the North Island, Auckland area. Quite a nice guy... eventually I'll post pictures of all of my roommates... eventually.
So today we had another Hangi (Maori BBQ... the food is cooked

underground). It was pretty good, although the meat was dryer than a camel's ass in a sandstorm. I know, what an awkward idiom. Whatev. Anyways, I pretty much hung out with my friend Ashley, from Minnesota & her Canadian roommate Angie. I think about half of the Americans here are from Minnesota, apparently they wanna get out. We went on this walk up a rock quarry, which was

pretty cool, as there was quite a breeze near the top. After the Hangi, we went around to Sumner Beach and went swimming... I went a little more than five feet into the ocean... but not too far. I also went into the cave & took video... not gonna lie, there's not really any audio to it, but its

a sweet cave. Around 7, we went for fish & chips at this little takeaway place. Good stuff. I got the most amazing sunburn today. I applied sunblock about 80 times, but I still came out looking like a lobster. A rock lobster. I'm going to go take a bath in aloe vera... wish me luck. Here's a weird sign I saw and felt compelled to take a picture of. <--
Oh & a quick thank you to my faithful readers that comment, I LOVE YOU... comments are like the Christmas presents you get to open early. So thank you to Cat and Mutha and Dana for all your lovely comments. If you're reading this and don't comment... doooo itttttt :) OH and wish me luck on my first day of school tomorrow!!!!! I'm so excited.
A CAVE! I want a cave! Geesh. And water! Oh oh swimming sounds so good now.
Is it like paradise? It looks awesome.
School?! Already? Crackers...
AWESOME! I want tolive in that cave!! And I can see your hand taking the pictire in your sunglasses in that pic of you :). Love you! Hope school is well!
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