I got a hair cut :) YAY. I really like it, it's super easy to manage. Anyways, it was pissing down rain today, so my hair kinda frizzed out. I went over to New Brighton Pier, which was quite nice, even though it wasn't sunny. There were some people surfing, which made me excited. I also went thrifting a little bit today, I got a pair of pink board shorts and a t-shirt for about $15us. Okay, I'm being pressured into posting these pictures, so I might post more later.

I *LOVE* it. The layers are perfect for your face. You are such a surfer chick now. I wonder how long it will be in 4 months...
I *LURVE* it. Let's not tell Dad, shall we?
It's so cute! You look good, Sam Sam.
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