I didn't do much on Friday, we had an Audiology test that I am actually quite confident about, so that's a change. Saturday, on the other hand, was fabulous. Jeff, Heather and I went on a road trip to Abel Tasman National Park, which is on the top of the south island. The drive there was a lot of fun, we

had a quick stop in Kaikoura to take photos, then we continued on through the craziness that is Highway 1. This is the absolute hilliest, curviest road I've ever been on. You are never driving in a straight line for more than a few minutes. Oh, and did I mention that we left around 7:20am. Yeah, that's early. About halfway into our journey, we stopped at a McDonalds and Heather tried the Kiwi Burger. Ewww. It looked so unappetizing... but it was fun to watch. Anyways, we got to Nelson, the nearest city to Abel Tasman, so that we could get a hostel for the night, then continue on our way to the

park. We got slightly lost, due to my poor sense of direction, but moments later, all was well. We continued on to Abel Tasman, only to find that there wasn't much more than a really humongous beach, unless you wanted to tramp (read: hike) far into the woods. Nah. So we ended up walking the beach for an hour, which was pretty nice in itself. We wound up taking some slightly ridiculous photos, I'm not going to lie about it. After Abel Tasman, which took loads less time than we

expected, we drove back to Nelson to turn our room key in and drive back to Chch, so we didn't have to spend the money on a room if we didn't need to. It worked out nicely, we drove for a bit, then we found an electronics store so that we could get a converter for the radio, so we could listen to someone's Ipod. The trip became loads more fun then, since we actually had music to sing along to, instead of having to make our own. Sidenote: Riding in the back seat is horrible on these mountain roads, you get

thrown around like nobodies business. On a slightly better note, my camera worked for part of this trip! Anyways, we arrived back in Chch around 11pm and I promptly went to sleep. Oh and this is what it looks like when you eat a Kiwi Burger. You have to put all of it in your mouth at once to get the full effect.
You tried the kiwi burger! How was it? I expect a full report. And you do not have a poor sense of direction. OK, not in Chicago...
Good job on the kiwi burger. I'm praaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaid.
...I didn't try it, my friend Heather did... I watched though... and it looked really gross. I think I would have vomited if it touched my mouth.
Young Samantha;
If you don't do Anything else-try the SF kiwi burger. Eat At Least 1/2 of one.
Or do I TELL THE WORLD about the fabby sang-wiches that you and I make...you start with Toast...then get out the Cottage Cheese...
Try the damn kiwi burger.
First of all, you bought a converter three months into your trip? Second of all, you have a picture of you driving on the wrong side of the road!!!
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