The Time of my Life... Days 83-84
I cannot stop listening to the sound track from Dirty Dancing. Someone must stop me. Because I had the time of my liiiife, oh I never felt this way before... Oh someone help. In other news, I think I've gotten off of my insane sleep schedule. Last night I passed out around 8pm... that is a new record. I set my alarm for 9pm so that I would say hi to my mom online, then go back to sleep. I cannot remember if I actually did that. But I did sleep for 14 hours. That is disgusting, I must be dying or something. I really don't have anything exciting to report right now, sadly, I have class tomorrow, so that's exciting. Oh and I think my finger is done being infected, so that's also exciting. Okay, this is going nowhere, I'm going to go the gym or something. I'm looking forward to the summer though, look at my girls from last summer. Sadly, Steph is going to be in Louisiana... & Coop might be gone too... looks like it's up to Cat and I to maintain the fabulous four.

New Zealand,
Study Abroad
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Wow that makes me feel like crap >.<
Speaking of Dirty Dancing I saw a hooded T-shirt with the logo on it earlier today in Target...
I'll be here in the summer if you need company...when I'm not working! ^_^
-Miss ya
You're sounding a little bored / homesick?????? That's understandable, I bet you can't wait to get home. Well, WE CAN'T WAIT EITHER.
Love ya,
Yeah. What Bean said. And where have you been keeping your finger? Just what the hell is going on down there, Kiwi? Your finger's infected...And you're listening to the soundtrack to Dirty Dancing? You are officially in need of medical attention. Come home and I will make some soup.
Aww, half of us is gone... :(. We'll have to manage somehow. We are going to be the fantastic two this summer. Maybe some triplets will cheer us up ;).
On another note, I can't contemplate the earth without my best friend!! Get home, NOW.
have no fear for i am here to save you this summer :)... muah hahahhahahahhaha... i know you miss me, but i miss you too so its ok |--|/
wow. thanks for that. im not cool enough to be one of the people you hung out with last summer huh???
fine fine. i see how you roll.
you just hate me thats all.
Amanda Kay Fackler, you are a dork. Of course you're cool enough, you're just in a different group, ie the REC RATS HELMET SLIDERS, which is way cooler than the fab four... and I just have a cool picture for this group ;). Looks Warhol-esque. Anyhoo, I miss you TONS! And don't pull that I don't like you crap, b/c you know what, I love you :)
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