Today started off early... for me anyways, I was awake no later than 8:30. Well... then I went

back to sleep, but really, it wasn't for that long. I had to go to an Anatomy & Physiology lab today, which proved to be extremely boring. Later on, I decided that I needed to go on an adventure to the thrift store. I ended up getting Heather to go with me and we walked around the thrift store for a bit, I got a few shirts and that. Then we went down to the pier, which was super cold, since it's only about 10 degrees Celsius, so that's somewhere around 50 degrees Fahrenheit, plus the wind off the ocean was freezing.

My right eye was crying the entire time... stupid wind. We were ridiculous... I now have a photo of myself posing with a giant fake whale. There's another item off of my list of things to do before I die. We got back to the flats about an hour later... but not before seeing a sign (on the back of a bus) for the famed Kiwi Burger. The Kiwi Burger is an iconic NZ food... though I am thoroughly afraid to try it. It consists of a regular burger (and no, it's not the highly endangered kiwi bird) with lettuce, tomato and cheese...

then come the bizarre contents... beetroot (read: beets), pineapple and a fried egg. I can deal with the pineapple... I think I could even deal with the beetroot on a good day... but fried egg? There is no way I could get that down. I don't think I will be trying one of these... I will go so far as to watch one of my friends eat it... maybe. McDonald's is even selling a version of this burger, minus the pineapple. So take

the level of disgusting that the original Kiwi Burger is at and compound it infinitely.
Looks like the destination for the upcoming road trip has been changed from Dunedin to Abel Tasman National Park. It seems a lot nicer there and as a bonus, it is still relatively warm, since it is quite a bit closer to the equator than we are now. I'm excited... we might be going this weekend. Woohoo!
That burger sounds so gross! Thanks for the picture of it! LOL!
Miss You
Yea, don't eat the burger, it will prolly make you sick lol... and way to take a pic so it LOOKS like ur petting the whale, but in reality its just good positioning... twat... |--|/
i think i'd be okay with it.. minus the egg and beet.. and well for me obviously minus the bun :).. I'd be okay well the pineapple.
You know Red Robin has something like that- their Royal burger.. it has the egg, bacon, burger but no pineapple or beet..
You are soooooooo lucky to have the picture-with-the-fake-whale off of your list.
Eat the burger. You Need to eat the burger. We Need to HEAR about it. You've talked about it a few times...and you still haven't tried it. Pony up. Eat the burger, and don't minus anything. If it tastes bad, you can blame me. But it's just another thing that you can take off of your list.
That burger looks really gross. Fried egg and beet don't go together to begin with. Then they want to put it on a burger?
Coop... you are a giant douche bag... of course I'm fake posing with the whale... you think I was going to step in that dirty water, you have another thing coming.
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