Yesterday was by far the easiest day of classes, I woke up bright and early at 9:30 and had Margaret's class (Acoustic Phonetics) from 11 to 12, then I was done for the day. I ended up getting my Audiology report done in about 20 minutes, and then decided to go in search of a thrift store. Good times.
This morning I woke up bright and early, which is no longer shocking, now it just makes me sad. There was a time when I could sleep as late as I want. That time has left me.

Anyways, Heather and I headed out around 9:30 to find Taylor's Mistake, which is supposed to be a really nice beach, and then move on to Boulder Bay, which is an hour past Taylor's Mistake, walking. Turns out Taylor's Mistake was not in our cards for today. We walked from Sumner Beach to the headland that juts out to the water. Then we began our ascent. We walked up the steep and windy path to the top of the headland, which took about 20 minutes and included some very sketchy stairs. Then we though we had won. Turns out we hadn't. We started walking down hill, continuing along

Scarborough Trail. Then we started walking uphill again. This continued for a while. Finally, looking ahead and seeing no sign of Taylor's Mistake for quite a while, we decided to turn back. We walked back to the top of the first hill that we climbed and crashed on the grass for a bit, then started our descent. Even though we didn't get to Taylor's Mistake, we did have a good time and we saw some excellent views. We ended up getting fish & chips for lunch (and an excellent fried pineapple ring), as we had been talking about Sumner fish & chips

since the last time we were there. From there, we went out to the beach again and climbed up to the top of the cave, which was pretty cool. After that, we just walked along Sumner Beach. We stopped a few times to take pictures and steal sea shells, but we also saw something kind of scary. As we were walking, I looked to my right and saw a shark. No joke. Granted it was a dead baby shark, but it was still a shark. We continued walking and saw another. Luckily

we didn't see a third, but we were beginning to wonder if the apocalypse was coming or something equally as unnerving. We ended up walking to a small town called Redcliffs, which has some pretty sweet caves. It also has a horrible park. For some reason, still unknown, we decided that it would be a good idea to play on one of those merry go rounds that you push yourself. Bad idea, now we were just nauseous. We walked a little further down the road to where the caves were. The falling rock deterred us momentarily, but we ran into the cave in turn, to get photos. Then we escaped. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, although when we were riding the bus back, there was a young boy making strange faces at the

people behind us, which was entertaining. What was not entertaining is when he decided to get his flute out and practice on the bus. I fell asleep as soon as I got back to my flat. Luckily, I woke up about two hours later, after having the most bizarre dream. I'll sum it up quickly. In the first part, Jason was lost in the woods for days and it made international news... then he came to NZ. Then I had a dream that Heather and I were on another adventure and we wound up on this escalator that throws people off at the end. Then George Bush punched her in the face. Now I'm going to sleep.
Was he lost in the woods of Detroit?
Hahaha no... he went hiking somewhere in the mountains... somewhere
Okay now that I've had to explain the "woods of Detroit" thing to you... *sigh* you are so sped sometimes LOL
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