Another point of interest, one that I forgot to mention whilst in Fiji. When I was in Labasa, staying the night when my flight left without me, I got into a conversation with two Fijian men. They couldn't figure out why I, a young Caucasian girl, was in the middle of Fiji, during political unrest. Even when I tried to explain to them what I was doing (I think they were a little buzzed...), they kept coming back to the same question. "Are you on that Survivor show? Where's your camera crew?" I wanted to say yes, but I'm not a liar. Survivor Fiji was filmed super close to where I was in Fiji though, I don't remember if I said it before, but the Survivor guys wanted Vorovoro for 'Survivor Island'. Too bad, we got there first... coupled with the fact that Tribewanted is a sustainable venture for Tui Mali's tribe, where Survivor is not...
Here's one of the many islands that were used for the taping of the show. By the way, it's not just one island, like they'd want us to think, it is actually countless locations... How strange.
Some thoughts on a few past blogs:
'Ever come home and the locks are changed'...sounds like the title of a country song. Get working on that; better yet, have Cat or Coop get working on that. They have a little more experience (with the country music). You should keep 20% interest somehow.
And the two guys who thought you were from honey... it's not Lying, it would be just Trickin'...and you could've completely taken this to a new level: tell them all about it...and say how hungry you're getting...BOOM! They buy you dinner! Keep telling them, and remember a ratty bandana that you have in your purse,and say, Yeah, Jeff gave this to me on the second day, I had something in my eye...and They say...HOW MUCH DO YOU WANT FOR IT? Hmmmmmm.
And the new pic that you posted on the homepage w/ you in the hammock...fabby. Simply fabby.
Well one of them bought me a coke...
I'm surprised you didn't hold out for your new "favorite" drink, GROG.
Yeah yeah, I've had about enough grog in my lifetime... although I'm sure they would have gotten some if I wanted it. They also offered me some of their fish. I said no. It stunk like feeesh.
LMAO, you are too much, my dear. I have to hand it to ya though, I probably would have lied.
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