- You think our gas prices are bad? They pay approximately
$1.60 per liter. Which is equates to about $4.50USD per gallon. I don't think I would drive if gas cost that much. This is why we need a alternate fuel source. This being said, the people here do everything they can not to drive, including using public transportation, bicycles and good old fashion walking. That's me at a bus stop... I know I look very unimpressed... I promise I'm impressed by the bus system.
- This is the color scheme of all the police cars in
NZ, of which there aren't many. They do however, have police station wagons, which makes me laugh every time I see one, they don't really command authority. I know I showed this picture before, but I felt that it fit here. It is very rare to see a police car pulling someone over or to hear the sirens of an ambulance. I have seen maybe 3 ambulances since I arrived here, which is a nice change from home.
- New Zealand, to my limited knowledge, has very few of it's own television shows. I have turned on the TV about three times since I've been here, but each time, there is either an American or British TV show on. All my Kiwi roommates talk about is new American shows like Grey's Anatomy and Heroes. The only Kiwi TV show I've heard about is called The Tribe, and my friend Dana told me about it... but I have had no luck finding it here.
- Most of the music I have heard here is music that was really popular in the mid-nineties, including Savage Garden and Melissa Etheridge. You do catch a few new releases on the radio though, like Mika's single Grace Kelly. If you haven't heard that song, listen to it. I think he is the reincarnation of Freddie Mercury.
Oh & Happy Birthday Trips!