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The rest of my day was amazing... including the purchasing of the aforementioned hat. Here's a summary. I sat on a set of stairs in Lyttleton, that was fun. I saw a police car and had my camera ready, because this is what all of them look like... no joke. Then I climbed about halfway up the hillside to take a picture of Lyttleton. It's a really quaint place. I love it. I couldn't get a good picture of it, but their cemetery is built into the hillside. I promise never to blog under the influence of Nutella again... this is one of the most random blog posts ever. This post was brought to you by the letter N.

Thank you to all the people still commenting, you're sweet as.
This is from Kelley and me:
Great scarf/hat.
I have one like that only it can't convert into a hat...a dress or tube top maybe but I don't think I could pull that off.
Anyways I'm totally in love with you right now. I miss you so much!
I'm getting old...I'm turning 20 tomorrow! ^_^
Love and miss! Be safe!
Okay, a few things...
I am loving the abundance of video journal entries.
That hat is amazing, and you look amazing in it.
Does it make me crazy that I already own something in the same style?
AND, I thought one of your goals in life was to shave your head?
It is a goal in life but I don't wanna do it right now in my life b/c then I'd be the hairless American...
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