Okay, so real quick, I'm going to explain the sperm whale sign, since I got an overwhelming response of confusion to it. It was taken on land. There was a judderbar (read: speed bump) in the shape of a sperm whale, on the road, so instead of warning people of a judderbar, they were warning of a sperm whale. Maybe I should have taken a picture of the actual sperm whale. In other news, I forgot to tell you all about my audiology class. I got to look at my own ear drum. It was fascinating. I promise I'll have a full post about whatever I do today, when I get home tonight.
Here's a little love from home :) Ferzy & Bean.... probably the coolest aunts in the whole world & I GET TWO OF THEM!!!!

In much sadder news: My favorite neighbor and surrogate grandmother passed away the other day, so RIP Grandma Dawe.
Thanks for the props, we think you're pretty cool too. Can't wait till you get home.
We love you,
they can make speed humps in the shape of sperm whales?
Wellington is where they shot most of LOTR, I know you wanted to know that.
Eeeewww LOTR is like the plague here, everyone has it...
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